Selected masterclasses are certified by the Missouri State University International Leadership and Training Center (ILTC) who provide customized, non-credit training vocational programs for international students and professionals. The International Leadership and Training Center has a cooperative relationship to provide validation and certification for over fifty professional development programs. These programs are available at selected leading professional training centers globally including BMTG (UK) Ltd
Selected 3 day masterclasses are certified, through independent assessment and accreditation, by the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM) PAS Standard. The IFPSM Programme Accreditation Standard (PAS) is the successor to the previous IFPSM Certificate of Competence. The introduction of the IFPSM Global Standard which has been developed to recognise and accredit full degree equivalent programmes has generated the need to develop a more elementary curriculum assessment which recognises those programmes that train in the fundamentals of procurement and supply. All programmes submitted for assessment to the PAS must meet the requirement of delivering a minimum number of learning hours in the field of procurement and/or supply chain management. The IFPSM PAS is focused on providing a signpost for the courses that ensures: Relevance for today’s procurement and supply chain environment Applicable contemporary structure and content Robust assessment checks and balances Adaptability for the global environment Differentiation from the Global Standard The features of the PAS have been designed to streamline the previous process and structure of the Certificate of Competence, and to shift the focus from program content to the structure and process required to produce and deliver high quality learning programmes. This, unlike its predecessor, allows it to recognise shorter programmes and programmes from a variety of subject areas, hence widening the scope of its eligibility.